Heaven On Earth Pokhara

Pokhara: Land Of Paradise
On the chronology of heavens there is a place located at the heart of Nepal. A city which will make your emotions crawl out from your heart using outstanding lakes, mountain ranges, hotels and many more.
Those smiles filled with pride to be Nepali, Honesty and innocence will stun you. Yes! those are the smiles that comes out with emotions.
Pokhara(Lekhnath) is a metropolitan city located at the heart of Nepal. 210 km west from the capital is all that it takes to reach pokhara alongside some minimal costs for bus fare. There are top quality hotels and lodges for stay.

What makes Pokhara a must to visit place?
Yes this questions may be crawling in your mind and I will satisfy them here. This will be a never ending post if I start to describe Pokhara but In short they are as follows:
1) Lakeside Stay
Phewa Lake:
Phewa Lake is the second largest lake of Nepal and Largest one of Pokhara valley. Situated at an altitude of about 784 m and having area of about 4.44 sq km. Having a perfect lakeside stay and perfection Phewa gives your mind a picture of heaven. There is Black topped vehicle road for your arrival and don't worry there is boating facilities too.
Begnas Lake:
Begnas is second largest lake of Pokhara valley soaring at an altitude of 650 m and covering about 3 sq km of area. Though small in size it is very astonishing.

These are some needles of a large haystack. If you want to spend time here you will find your vaccation lacking.
2) Trekking
From the moment you arrive this heaven, you will find yourself challanged by the soaring mountain ranges. You will not stop yourshelf from arranging a trecking plan.
Mountain ranges like Annapurna Mountain range, Machhapuchhre, Manasalu are very famous for it's trecking history.
3) Davis Falls and other caves
Davis falls is a waterfall inside a cave. You looking for a elegant thrilling experience? This one will provide you a load of it. Davis falls is a waterfall where many people have lost there lives too, you need to take greatcaution. A cautious visit to davis falls will make an album of memories and adventures.
Beside davis fall, there are dozens of natural caves full of darkness and fun.
This post may turn into infinite thread if I begin to give you all the information about pokhara but I can't. Rest is upto you
Packup your bags, take some vaccation and add unforgottable memories to your lives.

For other queries about where to stay, planning and others you can contact me as
Spread this post and tell them that heaven is real and you don't have to die to get there. All it requires is couple hundred dollars and a month vaccation.


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